Website Manager

Agoura Pony Baseball

Spring and Fall Seasons Overview FAQ

Volunteer Manager and Assistant Coach Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What do I need to do to be a Manager or Assistant Coach?
  2. What responsibilities do I have as a Manager?
  3. What responsibilities do I have as an Assistant Coach?
  4. Other important Manager and Assistant Coach Info


1. What do I need to do to be a Manager or Assistant Coach?

1)  REGISTER TO BE A VOLUNTEER at by logging on to your account (once you have created and account) and click the "Volunteer" link on the top left.  Or you can click here.  If you are new to the league please create your account and then register your player(s) before registering to volunteer.  All volunteer Managers and Assistant Coaches much register as a volunteer online.
2)  COMPLETE ANY COURSES REQUIRED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA and send a copy the certifications to league.  As of 2022 it is the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Course and Concussion Awareness Course are the courses that must be taken before setting foot on the field as a volunteer Manager or Coach.  You only have the take the courses once and if you have taken them at another league all you have to do is email a copy of the certificate to APB.
3)  PASS YOUR BACKGROUND CHECK.  The league performs a background check for each manager and assistant coach yearly based on the information entered during volunteer registration.
4)  Be approved by the Board of Directors.
5)  Be ready to have a fun and rewarding season.  

2. What responsibilities do I have as a Manager?

1)  Attend Player Assessments and Assess Players.
2)  Attend any required meetings including the Coaches Meeting, Draft and Coach's Clinics (Foal, Shetland and Pinto).
3)  Communicate weekly with the parents of players on the team (preferably via a weekly emails)
4)  Create Practice Plans.  Please note our Coaching Plans per Division are here and these include some Practice Plans.
5)  Create Lineup Cards for Games.  Examples are here.
6)  Attend any optional Coach the Coaches Clinics as offered by the league if possible.
7)  Pick-up and then return any necessary equipment provided by the league such as catcher's equipment and batting tee's.
8)  Ensure that the dugouts are cleaned after games and practices (mostly trash removal).
9)  Ensure that you get a team sponsor ($300 for Foal; $500 for all other divisions)
10) Ensure that you have a Team Scorekeeper (Pinto and older) and that the scores and pitch counts are provided to the Division Directors within 24 hours of a game being played.  This is the responsibility of the home team.
11) Are knowledgeable of the rules of your division.
12) Ensure off site fields have the clay infields dragged before each practice
13) Ensure that the bases are put in the sheds (and plugs on the bases) after the last practice at an offsite field.
14) Ensure that the fields are prepared (chalked and infield dragged) when you are a home team for a Thursday or Friday game.

3. What responsibilities do I have as an Assistant Coach?

1)  Assist the manager in running practices and coaching games.
2)  Managing a game if the manager can't attend a game.
3)  Be knowledgeable on the rules for your division.
4)  Attend any required meetings.
5)  Assist with putting the bases in the sheds (and plugs on the bases) after the last practice at an offsite field.
6)  Assist with preparing the field before Thursday and Friday games (if the home team)
7)  Attend any optional Coach the Coaches Clinics as offered by the league if possible.

4. Other Important Information

1)  Each team has 1 uniformed manager.
2)  Each Foal, Shetland and Pinto team has 3 uniformed assistant coaches.
3)  Each Mustang, Bronco and Pony team has 2 uniformed assistant coaches.
4)  Uniformed Managers and uniformed assistant coaches will receive back their volunteer deposit after the season if they complete all their certifications, background check and attend all necessary meetings.

Please email [email protected] or call us at 805-768-4495 with any questions.

Field Status

Closed Closed

Lupin Hill Elementary School (04:36 PM | 07/09/24)

Open Open

Forest Cove Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Sumac Elementary School (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Willow Elementary School (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Grape Arbor Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Indian Springs Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Old Agoura Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Chumash Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)