Website Manager

Agoura Pony Baseball



Click on the link to view the practice schedule in Google Docs.

Note: there are separate tabs for each division starting with Shetland and the left and Pony at the right.
Shetland and Foal Link
Pinto Link
Mustang Link
Bronco Link
Pony Link

These schedules are managed by your Division Directors.  You must notify your Division Director to reserve any open slots. Please do not show up to a field without a reserving a spot first.


All weekday practices will be at 4pm at either Lupin Hill Elementary or the offsite fields until Daylight Savings ends in mid-March.  All weekend practices will be at Lupin Hill Elementary prior to Daylight Savings ending in mid-March.  The Division Directors will work with the managers at their player draft to determine they day and field for both weekend and weekday practices. 

The offsite fields are:
Foal / Shetland - Grape Arbor Park, Willow grass, Forest Cove Park grass (closed for maintenance until 2/16)
Pinto - Willow, Sumac, and Lupin Elementary
Mustang - Lupin Elementary, Chumash Park, and AE Wright
Bronco - Old Agoura and Lupin Elementary
Pony - Indian Springs


Practice fields and times (but not day) will be reset after daylight savings ends in mid-March.  The Division Directors will work with the managers the week before Daylight Savings ends to determine the regular weekly field and time of weekday practices.  After the new regular practice field and time are determined the practice schedule will be updated to reflect teams that have weekday games on their regularly scheduled practice day so they can work with their Division Director to find another practice day that week (if possible).  If both managers that practice a day want the same time slot after daylight savings the Division Director will work to create a schedule where they create a rotation (early/late) week by week.

The priority of distributing open practice slots are:
1)  Teams that will lose their weekday practice day due to playing a game on that regular practice day.
2)  Teams requesting a 2nd weekday practice day.

The practice request and distribution process for open practice days/times will be as follows:
1)  Managers request open practice slots by emailing your Division Director by the Friday before the next Monday to Sunday week (e.g. submit on Friday, 3/9 for practices from Monday, 3/12 to Sunday, 3/18)
2)  The Division Director will review the request using the above priority and notify the managers of their practice slots awarded by the next day (by Saturday)
3)  Division Director will enter into the online practice schedule.

Please note that weekend (Sunday) practices are requested on a week by week basis and cannot be requested for the whole season after daylight savings. 

Please note that the Pony Division is unique in that it does not have an offsite practice field.  There are many mid-week games after daylight savings  and there is not enough spaces for all teams to practice without sharing the field (cages vs. field) or practicing on Sundays or offsite fields based on availability (Old Agoura). 

Due to that reason the practice schedule is completed rebooted when daylight savings ends in March and assigned on a weekly basis by request following the above process.  The Pony Division Director will work with all teams to manage a fair practice schedule on a week to week basis.  Please view the practice schedule and send your practice requests to the Division Director by the Friday before the next Monday to Sunday week (e.g. submit on Friday, 3/9 for practices from Monday, 3/12 to Sunday, 3/18).

Field Status

Closed Closed

Lupin Hill Elementary School (01:54 PM | 11/27/24)

Closed Closed

Forest Cove Park (01:54 PM | 11/27/24)

Open Open

Sumac Elementary School (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Willow Elementary School (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Grape Arbor Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Indian Springs Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Closed Closed

Old Agoura Park (01:54 PM | 11/27/24)

Open Open

Chumash Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)