Website Manager

Agoura Pony Baseball


Reporting Scores and Pitch Counts

All scores and pitch counts for both teams must be reported (to the below) by the HOME TEAM within 24 hours of the end of the game for ALL games. 

The format should be (example) with reporting the first pitch of the last batter faced by pitcher:

Dodgers 8
Angels 7

Kershaw #22 - 56
May #85 - 13
Garvey #6 - 43

Ryan #30 - 84
Clemens #21 - 22
Rivera #42 - 55

ABP Site Divisions

Reporting Scores and Pitch Counts
Pinto National - Please email Greg Toohey greg.toohey@agouraponybaseball and Gavin Linderman [email protected]  (He will report the pitch counts via this LINK.)
Mustang National - Please email Kevin Green [email protected] (They will report the pitch counts via this LINK.)
Bronco National - Jordan Grossbart at [email protected] (He will report the pitch counts via this LINK.)

The Division Directors listed above for APB will enter the scores in the APB site HERE.

Pinto National, Mustang National and Bronco National Scores and Standings.

CVIL (Conejo Valley Interleague) Site Divisions (Shetland American, Pinto American, Mustang American, Bronco American and Pony National/American Only)

Reporting Scores and Pitch Counts
Shetland American - Josh Feemster at [email protected] and Alex Sullivan at [email protected]. (Scores only)
Pinto American
- Peter Swanson at [email protected].  Pitch Count logs are HERE.
Mustang American - Jeremy Basis at [email protected].  Pitch Count logs are HERE.
Bronco American - Dan Cherrie at [email protected].  Pitch Count logs are HERE.
Pony National - Keith Halcovich at [email protected].  Pitch Count logs are HERE.
Pony American/ABL - Casey Randolph at [email protected].  Pitch Count logs are HERE.
Colt - TBD at TBD. Pitch Count logs are HERE.

Standings for Shetland American, Pinto American, Mustang American, Bronco American and Pony National/American are HERE.
Scores for Shetland American, Pinto American, Mustang American, Bronco American and Pony National/American are HERE.

Field Status

Closed Closed

Lupin Hill Elementary School (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Forest Cove Park (01:54 PM | 11/27/24)

Closed Closed

Sumac Elementary School (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Willow Elementary School (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Grape Arbor Park (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Indian Springs Park (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Old Agoura Park (01:54 PM | 11/27/24)

Closed Closed

Chumash Park (09:07 AM | 01/28/25)