Website Manager

Agoura Pony Baseball


APB has many fixed and variable (seasonal) expenses.  In addition to these expenses, the maintenance and improvements of our fields and facilities, which are at the back of Lupin Elementary, are the sole responsibility of the league.

Below is a list of those expenses by item on a yearly basis:

Fixed Expenses
 - General Liability Insurance for the league and fields
 - Annual lease of fields at Lupin Elementary (from LVUSD)
 - Lease of various practice fields (LVUSD, City of Calabasas, City of Agoura, Rancho Simi Parks)
 - All Utilities including water (LVMWD), Trash, Pest Control, Porto-potties, etc.
 - Full time groundskeeper / maintenance worker including health insurance
 - All field maintenance equipment including tractors, mowers, etc.
 - Field supplies such as clay, grass seed, etc.
 - Bookkeeper and Accountant
 - Game Cameras
 - PONY National Fees 

Variable Seasonal Expenses
 - Uniform including jersey, dri-fit (spring season only), belts, hats
 - Trophies
 - Baseballs
 - Picture Day (the basic package paid by the league)
 - Baseball equipment such as catcher's equipment
 - Umpire training
 - Marketing including advertising online or in print
 - Meeting rooms for board and managers/coaches meetings
 - All snack shack equipment
 - Game Umpires and Snack Shack workers

Other Expenses
 - All Lupin field improvements such as maintaining batting cages (new nets), new fences (Shetland field) and roads (between Pinto and Pony).

Field Status

Closed Closed

Lupin Hill Elementary School (04:36 PM | 07/09/24)

Open Open

Forest Cove Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Sumac Elementary School (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Willow Elementary School (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Grape Arbor Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Indian Springs Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Old Agoura Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)

Open Open

Chumash Park (09:08 PM | 03/08/24)