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Agoura Pony Baseball

News Detail


Jan, 2021

2021 Spring Season Current Update (Jan. 21)


APB Families,

We just wanted to provide you a status update for the Spring 2021 season.  

Our goal is to do whatever we can to play ball while adhering to the mandate set forth by Los Angeles county while still making an enjoyable and productive experience for our children.  Due to COVID related restrictions we are unable to play games at this time, and, based on current trends, it does not appear likely that we will be able to play games during February or March.  Fortunately we are one of the few leagues in Los Angeles County that can use our fields for practices and will start team based practices in mid-February.    As such, please note the following:

 - Spring 2021 Registration is open.
 - Initial registration will consist of registering online but not paying registration fees until we know when we can play games.  Once we get the approval from the County of Los Angeles that we can play games, we will notify you to complete the final step of registration and make payment.  In the interim you will be on a “waiting list”.
 - The Registration Link is at (you will need to login to your league account first)
 - The Spring 2021 FAQ is at (subject to change)

 - Player assessments are usually the first planned activity of the season and are held in mid-January.  As of now, player assessments will not be scheduled or held until the county and state provide a specific date that we can begin playing games.   As soon as we know we will communicate the date to you but we may have only 1 weeks notice.  
 - As related, we will expedite the team assignment process and have all players assigned to teams within 1 week of assessments.

We will be sending out a separate email tomorrow providing the details related to Team Based Practices.  In summary:
 - They are to prepare players for the upcoming season but are not part of season itself.
 - They will be held at Lupin on the weekends only once a week between 2/13 and 3/27
 - Players will be assigned to specific team groups and practice with that same group for all 7 sessions (regular season teams will be finalized after we have assessments)

We are optimistic that will have a full 2021 season and can't wait to get the season started.  


The APB Board

Field Status

Closed Closed

Lupin Hill Elementary School (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Forest Cove Park (01:54 PM | 11/27/24)

Closed Closed

Sumac Elementary School (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Willow Elementary School (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Grape Arbor Park (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Indian Springs Park (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Old Agoura Park (01:54 PM | 11/27/24)

Closed Closed

Chumash Park (09:07 AM | 01/28/25)