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Agoura Pony Baseball

News Detail


Jan, 2021

2021 Spring Season Current Update (Jan. 6)

Below is an update on the current status of the Spring 2021 season including assessments, games, etc.  This reflects recent county and state updates for the "return to play" guidelines.  We look forward to seeing you all out on the fields soon.


  • Spring 2021 Registration is open. 
  • Initial registration will consist of registering online, but not paying registration fees until a later date, when we can assure that we can play games.  Once we get the approval from the County of Los Angeles that we can play games, we will notify you to complete the final step of registration and make payment.  In the interim you will be on a “waiting list”.
  •  We request that you register as soon as you can so the league can determine how many teams and managers we need to organize each division.
  • The Registration Link is at (you will need to login to your league account first)
  • The Spring 2021 FAQ is at (subject to change)

Assessments and STATE/COUNTY COVID-19 Guidance

  • Player assessments are usually the first planned activity of the season.  As of now, player assessments are scheduled for the weekend of January 30-31. This date is subject to change as we will not hold assessments until the county and state provide a specific date that we can begin playing games.
  • We should receive an update in mid-January and that update will be effective January 25.  Baseball has recently been categorized as an "outdoor moderate contact sport" which means we can play when Los Angeles County returns to the "red" tier (currently Los Angeles County is in the "purple" tier) which is earlier than many other sports.

Practices and Games

  • We will provide additional information on the practice and game requirements for the season as we receive more clarity from the County.  This may include modified protocols for mask wearing requirements, screening, equipment usage, dugout usage, etc.  Our Safety Committee is working diligently on a plan to keep all members of APB safe.

New Foal T-Ball Division (3 to 4 year olds)

  • Starting this spring we will have the new Foal T-Ball division for 3 to 4 year olds (as of 8/31/21).   Games would be at Grape Arbor Park and Lupin Elementary.  Also, all friend requests for this division will be honored including pre-school players that want to play with classmates.  More details will be provided in the future.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions at

Field Status

Closed Closed

Lupin Hill Elementary School (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Forest Cove Park (01:54 PM | 11/27/24)

Closed Closed

Sumac Elementary School (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Willow Elementary School (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Grape Arbor Park (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Indian Springs Park (12:59 PM | 02/05/25)

Closed Closed

Old Agoura Park (01:54 PM | 11/27/24)

Closed Closed

Chumash Park (09:07 AM | 01/28/25)